Summary Profile & Adding Value of Service Provider:
Professional possessing 26+ years of experience in Finance Management, Business Development, Risk Modelling, Building Internal Controls, Business & Operational Auditing, Risk Assessment and People Management.
Certified advanced Basel II Master Class Training – Organized by Fleming Gulf in Riyadh
Certified Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) in Switzerland Basel
Credit Risk Management – Organized by IOB in Riyadh
Moody's Risk Analyst _ Internal Rating Model - Organized by Risk Matrix Limited in Riyadh
Developing Risk Model, Re-engineering Business Work Process, Structuring MIS reports, Conducting Risk Assessment. Identifying risk-control gaps and propose the required corrective measurements.
Identify opportunities for maximizing portfolio returns.
Assist decision makers in risk analysis and identify continuous improvement.
To support and develop the overall performance of the entity and raise clients' satisfaction.
Provide a process to transfer knowledge in a scheduled and structured manner.